Essential Oils

Essential Oil Water!

WebWater-15Summer is now upon us and I have a word for you, “hydrate’. There are so many reasons to drink more water!

  1. A hydrated body results in more youthful skin with fewer wrinkles. You want to plump your skin? Drink water!
  2. When you are dehydrated you are more prone to get headaches. Yep. That’s a fact. So before you reach for an Advil, drink some water. 😉 And of course I highly recommend essential oils and Chiropractic care over medication for treating headaches any day!
  3. It curbs your appetite. What more is there to say? Oh, I know. 😉 If you add citrus oils to your water it is even more effective in this area!!! Grapefruit oil being one of the best for the job!
  4. Water, and especially water with lemon EO in it, works great at flushing out toxins. You know what else it flushes out? The fat around your middle where you store those toxins. Amazing!
  5. It tastes WONDERFUL! You don’t agree? Try adding some fruit, essential oils and lots of ice… You just might change your mind!


Check out some of the great options you have for drinking water with Essential oils in it!


*And take note that you should never drink water with oils in it out of a plastic or styrofoam cup. The oils will break down the plastic, which will leach into your drink! 

* As always, I must add that I ONLY use Young Living Essential Oils.  So, their oils are the only ones I recommend.  I feel it is important to mention this because I have heard it estimated that about 98% of the essential oil out there are not safe for consumption.  If you want more information on why Young Living oils ARE safe to consume this is a good place to start {Introduction to Essential Oils}.


  • I have recently gotten into YL Essential oils and LOVE them! I just found your blog, too, and LOVE it! What are the fruits pictured that you recommend to add to the water? Thanks!

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