
January is in the Books!

January is in the books and we are already full steam ahead into February! I know it is a cliche thing to say, but I sure do wish I could slow down time! Since our days fly by at a record breaking speed I thought I would share how our family finished out January with intentionality and living on purpose being our focus.

If you have been following along, and have read my past two posts ‘Bloom Where You Are Planted’ and ‘Be Intentional With What You Value’, you will have an idea of what the first part of this past month looked like for us. Now to tell you the rest of the story!

We started the month strong and were humming right along with the things we set out to do. And wouldn’t you know, things didn’t continue on, “perfectly”. They never do, right? And that is ok! We hit some major turbulence but it didn’t change the fact that we still have a direction we need to head in. No doubt, it slowed us down for a while. However, just like being in an airplane flying through the air with a destination in place, you don’t simply stop or turn around when you hit turbulence. You buckle in and keep flying! Especially when you have a place you are headed that you value and want to get to.

For us, turbulence looked like a neck and shoulder injury that I somehow managed to obtain. This happened on the 19th of January and honestly it is still lingering even now as I type. Although, it has gone from, “this is worse pain than childbirth!” (5 completely natural, so I kinda know ;-)) to an always there, annoying pain. But enough about that. My point is, (and I am sure you can relate), that sometimes (oftentimes?) there are things big and small that are going to distract and make it much harder to stay focused and on target. Our “destination” in this case are the goals we have set for our year. I don’t believe we ever “arrive” in the sense that we have life figured out. But we do need to have a direction we are headed in and a destination in mind, otherwise it is easy to waste our precious days. Our family’s ultimate goal, like I have said in previous posts, is living a life that is centered around what our family values and to live each day on purpose with those values as our driving force. For us, our top values, the things we want to try and get into every single day, didn’t change these past two weeks! What I have learned is that growth happens in the midst of turbulence. And that is huge! Turbulence is just as much a part of our story as our carefully thought out plans are!

Praise the Lord that He is writing our story! We truly believe that the goals we have, and values we hold, have been placed on our heart from God, so we press on with a renewed focus and a new month set before us! Bring on February!

P.S. Progress was made in January! Progress over perfect, right?